Courtney McKean
Jan 23, 2022

Of Memories and Maybes

The poison is tainting my soul.
It is leaving me cold

I long for sleep
But the screaming does not cease

I crave release.
From this pain.
This rage.
This shame.

The poison tasted good for so long
But now it's killing me
With a bitter sweet symphony
Of memories and maybes
Of self hatred
Of blame.
My tongue blisters and turns black

The tar
Crawls up my arms
Wrapping my throat
So that I cannot speak

Spreading like poison
I am hollow

Just tighten the rope
And kneel in prayer
To a God that doesn't exist.
And it will all be over.
There will be no more tears
No more sorrow

Only to wake up tommorow
And curse the sun
For daring to settle upon poisoned skin.

Courtney McKean

I am 30 years old, new to freelancing and going to school for Journalism and Mass Communications